About Us

About Us

Delivering Hope International exists to bring hope, healing and compassion to those most vulnerable in our world. Compelled by Christ’s love, we improve maternal, newborn and child health, and promote family preservation and the prevention of orphans.

What we do

Delivering Hope is the first organization to introduce the use of doulas in solving many of the problems surrounding birth, maternity and newborn care in Ethiopia. Doulas are a highly effective, low cost way to improve maternal health, decrease maternal and child mortality, and provide women with dignified, kind, compassionate care.

DHI Doulas

Doulas are trained professionals who provide pregnant women with relevant health care information, provide emotional and physical support to women before, during and after birth, advocate for the needs of a laboring woman, and ensure that the best interests of the woman are considered.
Who We Serve

Who We Serve

Delivering Hope International serves women and children in low-resource countries who are subject to extreme poverty, lack of health care and education, gender inequality, and rural living.

About Us

DHI is a faith based Christian non-profit organization that helps decrease maternal and infant mortality and improve overall maternal and infant health at a grassroots level. We do this by both directly training and also equipping partners who wish to train national Childbirth Educators  and Doulas. These birth workers then personally provide advocacy, education, knowledge, support, resources and compassionate and loving care to those most in need. Our mission is accomplished in DHI 3-point strategy

Implement, Partner and Fund.

Photo: Paolo Patruno


Delivering Hope International piloted and directly supervised the implementation of a DHI Childbirth Education/Doula Program in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian program proved to be both a success and an incredible learning opportunity for DHI’s leadership.

Photo: Paolo Patruno


DHI partners with NGO’s,  and others who share a passion for maternal and infant health, and who wish to utilize and implement either the entire DHI CBE/Doula program model, or even just certain aspects. We provide all DHI training and program resources and curriculum, and we are available to help guide and coach those interested in developing a DHI based program.

If you would like to talk with us about a partnership, please contact us.

Photo: Paolo Patruno


Delivering Hope provides small grants for existing organizations who share a mission purpose like DHI. To learn more, contact us!

Photo: Paolo Patruno

What is Delivering Hope International?

Together we can make a difference.

Delivering Hope International serves women and children in low-resource countries who are subject to extreme poverty, lack of health care and education, gender inequality, and rural living.